How to use Trading Platform Meta Trade 4

Before learning Forex deeply let us familiar your trading platform or software that called Meta Trade 4  or 5 .The Meta 4 platform is generally used most of the traders in this market and Meta 5 has been just some upgrading. But before choice Meta 5 you have to know that many Forex Indicators or EA's (Expert Advisor useful for automated trading)  are based on the Meta 4 version. However Meta 5 also has those. And finally it is your choice. Here I am going to show to you Meta 4 trading platform and its uses......
Candlesticks / bar / graph chart : You earlier know market price up or down but how does it measure you buy points but points by which symbol? Yah this is by candle sticks ( 1st uses in  Japan) or Bar (Eastern countries use ago or now ) and Graph chart (this may be you learn school books). So if the price rise up the graph or candle stick or bar grows up and right hand scale you see the points how much price for a certain time or place..
Time Frame : From 1 Minute to Monthly  time frame you can use for trading and analysis mean if you choice 1 hour time frame all candle sticks or bar or graph will be finished that period so for trading day you have only 24 candlesticks on your meta 4. You will be learning more details after some periods.
Expert Advisor: This section is for automated trading with coded some scripts. One need not stay on the monitor you can do your work while EA enter trades and close the trade on your favor. But you must have to know this deeply or you will be suffer of your capital or burn of your account deposit. I will be writing about  EA one of  the other lesson deeply.. Ok.
Data window : Here you will find different pairs with different pricing up and downing and you can drag any pair in your meta 4 for trading if you wish.
Tools: Here some line tools that are helping for drawing the trade line .
Templates: This section is suitable for your saving templates that you may be settled with different indicators or drawing. Once you have  save them you have not drawn or settled any in future trading, just open a click and see your saving templates for start trading.

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